Dear President Obama,
First of all, congratulations. May We The People lend you the support to give you the strength and courage to better mankind from here on out.
The American Revolution was born out of fiery words from an impassioned peoples, I remind you, lest you react adversely to my own heartfelt advices.
Imagine a world of kids who read and show promise even before reaching school age, that excel and are versed for college well before college, that go on to give us innovative solutions for the greatest good for the greatest number and eliminate the gamete of false solutions resulting in gang warfare, sovereign warfare and financial chaos.
With our kids we need better education. However, the education that will give us real scholastic growth does not come from psychotropic drugging of the kids and other psychiatric failures. A real Study Technology in the 21st Century exists now that will realize that ideal scene written above.
Take the wasted $billions of funding for ineffective, even damaging psych programs and put this into workable study technology instead. Scholastic statistics will change from failure to success starting immediately.
The study technology that works is that used by Education Alive, Applied
Scholastics and and Delphi schools, to mention several. These do achieve the ideal scene in education standards. Hope is restored for our future, for leadership capable of eliminating the huge social enigmas we face today.
This fantastically workable methodology is being used to repair education failures in many places around the globe, such as in South Africa, massively reversing declining scholastic scores that were a side effect of apartheid, a situation with parallels to similar past social issues of our own .
In a miraculous change, my own inability to tune the guitar was a direct result of misunderstood words, yet I had been playing the electric base professionally for years. My IQ score recovered from the full application of this technology out of an ailing 115 after high school and some college to a bright 136 little over a year later. This is a testament to the results, results that I can personally certify.
An essential change is needed from the bottom to the top. Knowledge is at the pinnacle of success, and this is made possible only if people can study and learn. Our brightest individuals deserve this the most, whereas all can benefit from use of revitalizing study, while at the same time the illiteracy underpinning gang violence can be eliminated.
As an aside of high importance, you need to know that the barriers to study, scientifically proven to be crashing the SAT scores nationally, have physiological reactions, apart from dullness and dampened IQ, that manifest in symptoms that psychiatry proclaims as "proof" of it's non-scientific
DSM IV mental illness categories. Using those false labels as a "solution"
errantly justifies the narcotic drugging of our kids, including the kids which have been implicated in all of the school shootings (yes, all). Equally, the rising graph of "
meds" dispensed to students parallels the rising graph of school age suicides.
These are serious charges that no sane individual of good will can ignore. Meanwhile a powerful anecdote is to hand that will resolve more social ails over the years than you could imagine.
Please listen to and heed my words. In this short writing I do not have room to reiterate the extant documentation for my sweeping statements but I will provide the links for the confirmation below. On one hand is disruptive and destructive, often suicidal behavior. On the other hand is a calm bright people eager to learn and create good works to help others. Really, the choice is that definitive, take your pick.
Using this study technology peoples from 5 to 105 can master study and even more importantly recover education of past subjects seemingly failed and lost. Lincoln was a self-educated man who cleared his misunderstood words;
Milosevik was psychiatric dupe and so was Hitler. Malcolm X p
hoenixed out of a drug addicted criminal into a brilliant voice of human rights for mankind by copying by hand and understanding every word listed in a dictionary.
It depends on whether you want the insanity of madmen in our future or the sanity of very bright peoples. Believe me, new worlds can be accomplished by cracking the back of study failures with a study technology having top percentile results. Please, implement this positive change, for the sake of all mankind.
You now have means to save our youth, salvage our education system and provide the people this miracle study technology. And for the love of life, throw out the psychiatric saboteurs.
Contact and yours,
Robert L.
GiselJohn Travolta and others speak out for Applied Scholastics.