
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Until Death Do Us Part

by Robert L. Gisel

Some children may never grow to say those words in the traditional ritual of marriage ceremony. Those referred to are the ones who have a sudden and unpredicted death, compliments of psychiatry. As the psychotropic drugs medicating greater and greater numbers of unsuspecting and probably even unwilling children have been linked to sudden deaths, this is no melodramatic statement.

This article came to me from The Daily Dose, one of the feeds I receive regularly, illustrating knowledge that this situation is getting to be more widely known, albiet not enough yet to significantly stem the tide of systematic psychotropic drugging of America's kids:

"A new study funded by the FDA and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) claims that kids taking ADHD drugs such as Ritalin and Adderal are many times more likely to die suddenly and for unexplained reasons that kids who aren't on these drugs.

"I've been telling you for some time how dangerous these drugs are. But this new announcement about links to unexplained sudden death is by far the most extreme. And as sad as this is, it's hardly surprising. Ritalin is no lightweight narcotic -- it's a schedule II controlled substance (like cocaine) and the possible consequences of taking this drug include heart attacks, growth problems, and psychosis.

"And now you can add death to the list."

Okay, not every child on "Meds" is going to die suddenly. At 1 in 10,000 of the over 2.5 million US children on Ritilin type drugs this is only about 250 (!) unwarranted child deaths. Internationally 2000 school age deaths can be anticipated at the rate discovered by the FDA study. If it were only your own child, or your grandchild, would you be inclined to allow the dispensing of these drugs knowing the possible side effect is death? How many times would you have to hear this before you put up a good hearty protest? Or do you think it can't happen to you and yours?

Bear in mind the use of the "Meds" sometimes encompasses multiple, simultaneous, derivitive prescriptions placing the kid on several psyche-drugs at the same time! This is, factually, unchecked criminal mal-practice.

In light of the fact that our government is still heavily funding these "treatment" programs but also our now President himself has been one of the most ardent supporters of psychiatry by his Congressional Record standings these are indications that a great deal of work is yet to be done to rid society of the scourge. Speaking out against it in every avenue is the first step.

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