
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Psychiatric Drug Death Rates Worsen In Children

by Robert L. Gisel

A new FDA study reveals alarming results of the use of Ritalin and like ADHD Drugs. The report? To quote Jenny Thomson in her HSI Alert,

"It showed that Ritalin and other ADHD drugs may increase the risk of SUDDEN DEATH in children by a staggering 600%!

"Let that sink in: A 600% increase in sudden, unexplained death... in children! From the FDA's OWN study"

Even more alarming is the response by the FDA - discredit their own reporting methods rather than take the life threatening drug off the shelf.

The FDA has been quick to take off the shelves products such as tomatoes in a salmonella scare (when it turns out it had nothing to do with tomatoes after all). Ritalin and derivative psychotropic drugs have even been black box labeled by the FDA. With a side effect of a of possible sudden and "unexplained" death, statistically showing a 600% increase, one would expect these to be banned entirely. This is no minor issue and probably should be investigated as a gross malfeasance of office.

ADHD labelling itself is a farce. The use of narcotic psychotropic drugs to "treat" a fallacious and arbitrary diagnosis is criminal. The actual causes of the phenomena the drugs are purported to treat come from something else. In some cases the symptoms have simply been found to be related to school lunch menus that leave the students malnourished. Placing a child on a regular dose of drugs, listed as schedule II controlled substance the equivalent of heroine, on a psychiatrists opinion, based on no factual evidence or scientific study, is utterly insane.

Are you ready to risk the life of your child or grandchild on the high percentages that the treatment will kill him? Needlessly?

It is imperative that we speak out against this in every avenue. Your voice heard by one who tells one other and so on down the line will have an impact.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Two Hours of Life

by Robert L. Gisel

February 21st, 2009 Mathew Schultz died two hours after birth from prenatal exposure to the psychiatric narcotic antidepressant Effexor. We can expect a lot more of this if the MOTHER's Act gains a foothold.

It works like this.

1) The psychiatrist evaluates someone, a mother pre- or post-natal,

2) invariably a diagnosis includes labelling, from one or more of 3000-plus "diseases" in the DSM II,

3) the psychiatric diagnostic does not include any examination for vitamin deficiencies or pathological causes,

4) a psychotropic drug, ranking at the same level as heroine, is automatically prescribed as the medical handling,

5) the patient becomes addicted to the drug, as it is a schedule II narcotic, and,

6) side effects are experienced considerably worse than the bit of misemotion the mother was experiencing in the first place.

Mathew Schultz is one of the side effects. No remorse or regrets can be expected to come from the prescribing psychiatrist. The drug companies will spend a fortune to convince courts this had nothing to do with them.

Say NO to the MOTHER's Act. It's a killer.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Questions for the President

by Robert L. Gisel

Another email came to me from the President. These emails from "Barack Obama" make one feel important, even if it's really only from Mitch, his promoter, and I'm just one recipient amongst multimilions. However, since I never receive any personal replies to my direct reply letters to Mr. Obama I post my letters on my blog so I know it gets seen by someone anyway.

Here is my latest letter, intended for, but possibly never to be seen by the President.

To: Mitch Stewart,

Subject: Ask the President a health care question

Dear Mitch,

Lest I do not have an opportunity to record and post a video, you can see my input in the blog post below.

By the way, I know that the psyche-drugs in question don't do nothing. They do make the recipients more docile and controllable. If that is one's intention then there you go. At the risk of losing creativity, vibrant life and dynamic future leaders. You can see I don't think very highly of these and don't mince my words.

At the risk of unbearable candor and forthrightness, is Barack Obama on psychiatric drugs? I realize this a very personal and maybe biting question. But seriously, has he ever taken these psychotropic drugs? Are his children, or their school chums, on them? Would you take them, knowing the published, dangerous, side effects, such as ideation of suicide and homocide, sudden unexplained death and health problems?

This is relevant to the issue of more affordable health care as the billions budgeted for psychiatric programs in the schools and other health care programs to forward the use of psychotropic narcotics are wasted funds. Funds that could be used to provide more general family heath care. And yes, it is a matter of life or death, so who cares about the whines of psychiatrists having their fraudulent budgets cut.

My concern is genuine, albiet frankly direct. Perhaps you might give me your feedback and even advise the President that change is wanted. And possible. It is not from one voice that I speak to you.

Respectfully yours,
Robert L. Gisel

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Until Death Do Us Part

by Robert L. Gisel

Some children may never grow to say those words in the traditional ritual of marriage ceremony. Those referred to are the ones who have a sudden and unpredicted death, compliments of psychiatry. As the psychotropic drugs medicating greater and greater numbers of unsuspecting and probably even unwilling children have been linked to sudden deaths, this is no melodramatic statement.

This article came to me from The Daily Dose, one of the feeds I receive regularly, illustrating knowledge that this situation is getting to be more widely known, albiet not enough yet to significantly stem the tide of systematic psychotropic drugging of America's kids:

"A new study funded by the FDA and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) claims that kids taking ADHD drugs such as Ritalin and Adderal are many times more likely to die suddenly and for unexplained reasons that kids who aren't on these drugs.

"I've been telling you for some time how dangerous these drugs are. But this new announcement about links to unexplained sudden death is by far the most extreme. And as sad as this is, it's hardly surprising. Ritalin is no lightweight narcotic -- it's a schedule II controlled substance (like cocaine) and the possible consequences of taking this drug include heart attacks, growth problems, and psychosis.

"And now you can add death to the list."

Okay, not every child on "Meds" is going to die suddenly. At 1 in 10,000 of the over 2.5 million US children on Ritilin type drugs this is only about 250 (!) unwarranted child deaths. Internationally 2000 school age deaths can be anticipated at the rate discovered by the FDA study. If it were only your own child, or your grandchild, would you be inclined to allow the dispensing of these drugs knowing the possible side effect is death? How many times would you have to hear this before you put up a good hearty protest? Or do you think it can't happen to you and yours?

Bear in mind the use of the "Meds" sometimes encompasses multiple, simultaneous, derivitive prescriptions placing the kid on several psyche-drugs at the same time! This is, factually, unchecked criminal mal-practice.

In light of the fact that our government is still heavily funding these "treatment" programs but also our now President himself has been one of the most ardent supporters of psychiatry by his Congressional Record standings these are indications that a great deal of work is yet to be done to rid society of the scourge. Speaking out against it in every avenue is the first step.