Another email came to me from the President. These emails from "Barack Obama" make one feel important, even if it's really only from Mitch, his promoter, and I'm just one recipient amongst multimilions. However, since I never receive any personal replies to my direct reply letters to Mr. Obama I post my letters on my blog so I know it gets seen by someone anyway.
Here is my latest letter, intended for, but possibly never to be seen by the President.
To: Mitch Stewart,
Subject: Ask the President a health care question
Dear Mitch,
Lest I do not have an opportunity to record and post a video, you can see my input in the blog post below.
By the way, I know that the psyche-drugs in question don't do nothing. They do make the recipients more docile and controllable. If that is one's intention then there you go. At the risk of losing creativity, vibrant life and dynamic future leaders. You can see I don't think very highly of these and don't mince my words.
At the risk of unbearable candor and forthrightness, is Barack Obama on psychiatric drugs? I realize this a very personal and maybe biting question. But seriously, has he ever taken these psychotropic drugs? Are his children, or their school chums, on them? Would you take them, knowing the published, dangerous, side effects, such as ideation of suicide and homocide, sudden unexplained death and health problems?
This is relevant to the issue of more affordable health care as the billions budgeted for psychiatric programs in the schools and other health care programs to forward the use of psychotropic narcotics are wasted funds. Funds that could be used to provide more general family heath care. And yes, it is a matter of life or death, so who cares about the whines of psychiatrists having their fraudulent budgets cut.
My concern is genuine, albiet frankly direct. Perhaps you might give me your feedback and even advise the President that change is wanted. And possible. It is not from one voice that I speak to you.
Respectfully yours,
Robert L. Gisel
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