
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Grim Scoreboard

by Robert L Gisel

Just in, this shocking bit of data was released:

And from CCHR [Citizens Commission on Human Rights]:
“One in every 5 American children take psychiatric medication. TWENTY MILLION CHILDREN around the world are prescribed psychoactive drugs.”
“Every day 100,000,000 (one hundred million) people take psychiatric drugs.”
“50% of all Americans who commit suicide are on psychiatric drugs.”

Not to worry, if our nations enemies can wait long enough we'll kill ourselves off, thanks to the helpful hand of psychiatry.

Much has been written, not simply by myself but many expert professionals, on the nature of the "meds" so willingly given. About how they rank on the drug tables for their narcotic potency and psychotropic effects in a category alongside morphine and heroin. How the side affects give kids heart attacks and other severe health problems, not mention how it causes propensity to murder and suicide as just another tidy "little" side effect.

Not all kids on the psyche-drugs will have a heart attack but probably all children with heart attacks will be found to be on psyche-drugs. One for one the school shootings we hear of in the news have been by persons who have been on one or more psyche-drugs, Ritalin, Prozac, Zoloft and the lengthy stream of in-kind derivatives. These are the documented facts.

School age children, the elderly, women with PMS, anyone feeling a bit off or depressed and now pregnant women all are targeted by the psychiatrists as candidates for their addiction. The list is growing like a plague. Forget the supposed salmonella outbreaks; psychiatry really kills in droves.

Put all together one views a deliberate trend. Look behind the effect to cause as who profits, not simply monetarily. Big Pharma, yes, but are they even that stupidly evil? Someone behind this out-of-control movement expects to gain some advantage by putting the nation entire on debilitating, addictive drugs. A population docile facilitates control. Don't think for a minute it isn't anything less intended by some mad dog antisocial personalities.

The question is, will our alive and fighting spirits, free beings and freedom minded individuals have sufficient courage and numbers to do something effective enough to stop it before it destroys the greatness of our country?

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