
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Study of the mind is Not Study of the Brain

by Robert L. Gisel

(The purpose of this blog is to dispel false datums sourced by psychiatry on the makeup of the mind and the ways to mental health.)

One always hopes the scientists will get it right but they are still searching in the wrong place for answers to the mind, as is shown in this article of persons with super-memory.

This is a most harmful reversal to man's rise to greater heights, thinking that structure, the makeup of the physical universe, creates life. It is the other way around; life creates and monitors the physical. Continued adherence to the false belief has weakened peoples to where the apparency is you cannot change the physical universe.

Nothing can be farther from the truth. One may no longer have enough horsepower as a spiritual being to decisively manipulate the material, but this is still evident in some sectors. The whole phenomena behind The Secret is based on just this fact. The application Scientology sees "miracles" in this light daily. Occasional successes in faith healing are due to this.

The person now being examined as having large bulges at the two parts of her brain will be found, if one looks there, to have a mind that is dictating the super memory, before the memory-associated sections of the brain enlarged. A mind that commands from the reactive, sub-conscious recordings that contains a phrase such as "You will remember everything," or "I keep every detail in my mind," will manifest this kind of exceptional memory phenomena.

Magnification of the structure, as of those sections of the brain in question, is clearly documented by Dianetics and detailed in Book Two, Chapter Five of Dianetics: Modern Science of Mental Health. The body deforms in accordance with the command of the mind. It also can be reversed using the known techniques that are scientifically proven to do so.

Neurology may have importance in pathology but only as symptomatic in the field of the mind. The exception would be where there has been brain damage caused by electroshock therapy and the like.

It is time to set record straight, the mind rules.

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