
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Stupidly We Blunder

by Robert L. Gisel

"The most reliable available figures show that prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, after heart disease, cancer and stroke." Lee Euler, Cancer Defeated Newsletter

Apparently doctors are messing up considerably, psychiatrists notwithstanding. In this case mis-prescription of drugs that then result in failures and a considerable amount of death. This is from a group that is noted for being academically exceptional so stupidity is no excuse. The basic reason for this will be found in false data about life, the body and treatment of health.

First off, life is not what you address when you examine a cadaver in medical school. The being, spirit, elan vital, whichever you chose to call it is not the body. It leaves when the body dies. Furthermore, you exist - live - with or without a body. This is scientific fact. You may have even heard of stories where someone died and came back a minute or a few later. A large number of previously unexplained phenomena resolves thus.

The mind is not even the body or the brain. Mental image pictures, mental machinery, these things actuate functions within the body via the brain. The whole realm of of psychosomatic ails is only remedied by an accurate science of the mind and falls beyond the scope of pathology addressed by the physician. This is known by psychiatry, however, who perpetrates most of the false data, not just about the mind and psychosomatic ills but about the body as well.

Get this: psychiatry actually tries to foist on us that the ills of the mind is mental health disease. In other words, that it is pathology. The complete lack of any scientific studies to verify any kind of such disease speaks for itself. Psychiatrists themselves admit they have no idea what causes the "diseases", e.g., ADHD or ADD, in the DSM II, their diagnostic manual. How could you possibly treat something that you have no idea what it is or what causes it?

From psychosomatic ills to mental ills these are not pathology with known medical handlings, well within the province of the MD. But the former is not treated with prescription drugs where the later may be.

I have found an interesting curioso about planet Earth: what is needed has been provided. Drugs originally were provided at the apothecary where the pharmacist made up the formula from a number of herbs he kept in jars. The twist of synthesizing these chemically was not necessarily an improvement. Chemically manufacturing drugs that are purported to handle mental ills or psychosomatic ailments for sure will cure nothing and result in a notable amount of failures, and yes, deaths.

Now that's stupidity.

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