by Robert L. Gisel
A new FDA study reveals alarming results of the use of Ritalin and like ADHD Drugs. The report? To quote Jenny Thomson in her HSI Alert,
"It showed that Ritalin and other ADHD drugs may increase the risk of SUDDEN DEATH in children by a staggering 600%!
"Let that sink in: A 600% increase in sudden, unexplained death... in children! From the FDA's OWN study"Even more alarming is the response by the FDA - discredit their own reporting methods rather than take the life threatening drug off the shelf.
The FDA has been quick to take off the shelves products such as tomatoes in a salmonella scare (when it turns out it had nothing to do with tomatoes after all). Ritalin and derivative psychotropic drugs have even been black box labeled by the FDA. With a side effect of a of possible sudden and "unexplained" death, statistically showing a 600% increase, one would expect these to be banned entirely. This is no minor issue and probably should be investigated as a gross malfeasance of office.
ADHD labelling itself is a farce. The use of narcotic psychotropic drugs to "treat" a fallacious and arbitrary diagnosis is criminal. The actual causes of the phenomena the drugs are purported to treat come from something else. In some cases the symptoms have simply been found to be related to school lunch menus that leave the students malnourished. Placing a child on a regular dose of drugs, listed as schedule II controlled substance the equivalent of heroine, on a psychiatrists opinion, based on no factual evidence or scientific study, is utterly insane.
Are you ready to risk the life of your child or grandchild on the high percentages that the treatment will kill him? Needlessly?
It is imperative that we speak out against this in every avenue. Your voice heard by one who tells one other and so on down the line will have an impact.