
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Everybody is Crazy?

by Robert L. Gisel

The Diagnostic Statistical Manual by which one is labeled crazy is being re-written to include more normal people in the categories of mental disorder. Mind you, more people have not become mentally ill, simply the broader definitions allow labeling of more persons.

The professional intention of psychiatry is to make insanity inclusive of everyone and treatment mandatory. This is, furthermore, not for scientific but financial considerations: 10s or 100s of billions of dollars in addicting psychotropic drugs out to the market.

This is how it works: the DSM 4, the diagnostic manual of psychiatry conains some 3000 "mental illness" labels derived by vote at the annual APA meeting. It is nothing scientific, yet these now cover enough topics and are so generally worded that just about anyone could be loosely fitted to one or more psychiatric labels as crazy.

The scientific communtiy has noted than when the latest issue of the Diagnostic Manual came out the broadened definitions for ADHD, bipolar disorder and autism contributed to pandemics of the three "disorders". Of course this was more fear and insanity forwarded by the manual than an an actual increase in mental illness.

Scientific concern has been expressed that when the DSM 5 comes out in 2013 it will even further broaden an already excessive manual of unscientific labeling.

The "suggested" (euphemism for required) treatment of any of these diagnstic criteria is one or more of the highly addicting narcotic psychiatric drugs. Highly addicting means built-in profits.

Psychotropics should never be given a psychotic as it in fact worsens the condition. Anyone correctly diagnosed as psychotic can be treated much more successfully with non-drug means. If you happened to be put on psychotropics when you were not psychotic you can expect to be driven so. Such are the side effects of these harmful drugs. The exception is the side effect when the heart stops and there is diagnosis other than death.

Most symptoms which lead to "mental disorder" diagnoses can be remedied by nutritional handlings or simply discovering with standard medical practice what pathology the individual has and remedy this medically.

Dr. Rima E. Laibow, MD, in the link above, has come to be a very active advocate for mental and physical health by safe and natural means rather dubious medical drugging. She is actually trained to be a psychiatrist but 40 years ago denounced the usual psychiatric practices as inhumane. In this she has my agreement. She has an ongoing strong lobby to curtail the legal sanctions that do far more harm than good and for this I recommend support of her.

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