
Friday, January 30, 2009

Would-Be Suicide Bomber: Psychiatry's Latest Product

by Robert L. Gisel

A British subject who has a failed attempt at suicide bombing gets a minimum of 18 years sentence. The psychiatrist, whose hands he had been in and undoubtedly had him on their "meds" (addictive psychotropic drugs) evidently goes unheeded, as apparently do the two agents provocateurs.

This arrest and conviction of Nicky Reilly, 22, is high profile due to the subject matter and the uncleverness of this person who was a self proclaimed follower of Islam on a mission protest discimination against Muslims in England. It was undoubtedly selected as a feature for that reason and includes only a one-liner stating the Police have noted that he had been "preyed upon, radicalized and taken advantage of". This is referencing to the two persons, from a "radical website", who encouraged and assisted him in this plot by email.

There is no mention of these two are being sought for collusion and conspiracy to the terrorist act, agents provacateurs, but this would be the logical conclusion, the Police in England priding themselves on their Sherlock Holmes-like investigatory abilities.

A connection that appears to have been missed is the psychiatrist in whose hands Reilly was being "treated" for autism and Aspergers syndrome. No doubt he was in treatment for the previous suicide attempt as well. The current suicide bombing attempt thus is following psychiatric treatment and, by the record of results of psychiatric practices, is cause for suspicion of being psychiatric malpractice and mis-drugging.

Psychiatry has a very high death and suicide rate, for which the practitioner will invariably claim "He came to us too late". This is from all of its range of "therapies" from psychoanalysis to ECT shock therapy. The patient is invariably, usually immediate on cursory examination, placed on one or more psychiatric drugs, arbitrarily selected from a string of derivatives all having generally the same side effects of increased tendency to suicide and violence.

One has to assume the psychiatrist knows he is doing this as the side effects and the results are well known. This means the psychiatric practitioner is highly suspect as a perpetrator and should be investigated for his responsibility in the attempted suicide bombing.

This was not Reilly's first attempted suicide. The first act of a psychiatrist, always brought in on any attempted suicide, is to prescribe the patient addictive narcotic psych-drugs. Valium, Ritalin and Prozac are the principle and most notorious of these dangerous drugs.

As these drugs gained much bad press the drug companies then switched the formulas slightly to produce a long string of derivatives with the same harmful side effects. Some have been black box labeled by the FDA to warn of the side effects which are suicide, violence, heart attacks and others. However, the FDA has not kept up with the flood of new drugs to the market. There are now over 75 brands of psych-drugs. These are not mild, rank alongside Heroine and Morphine as to their narcotic, psychotropic, and addictive potencies on the medical drug tables.

and had been helped in the plot by two unidentified people who contacted him on an extremist website.

It is common and expected to find at the inception of any acts of this nature, protest bombings, riots, uprisings and outbreaks in war, a person or persons behind the scenes inciting the action. This is well known and commonly named in war espionage as agents provocateurs. Funny thing is that psychiatrists are notorious for advising patient under treatment to go and dramatize their discreditable acts so as to not be burdened by its compelling inhibition anymore. It would appear Reilly was duped on both sides, the psychiatrist and the agents provocateurs.

Now, he is for it, as having taken the action he is guilty of the crime and pays the price. But where is the investigation of the perpetrators, who unhampered will do it again with other unsuspecting dupes?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Popular Posts

To Obama, Let's Salvage Education. No Child Left Behind? A good idea, but you have to know how to accomplish this.

Anti-Psychiatry is Favororing Life. Live a zombie or live free? It would seem an obvious choice.

Psychiatry: The Scourge of the Universe. What does inflicted pain and unconsciousness have to do with mental health treatment? See these definitive descriptions of the therapies of psychiatry.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Study of the mind is Not Study of the Brain

by Robert L. Gisel

(The purpose of this blog is to dispel false datums sourced by psychiatry on the makeup of the mind and the ways to mental health.)

One always hopes the scientists will get it right but they are still searching in the wrong place for answers to the mind, as is shown in this article of persons with super-memory.

This is a most harmful reversal to man's rise to greater heights, thinking that structure, the makeup of the physical universe, creates life. It is the other way around; life creates and monitors the physical. Continued adherence to the false belief has weakened peoples to where the apparency is you cannot change the physical universe.

Nothing can be farther from the truth. One may no longer have enough horsepower as a spiritual being to decisively manipulate the material, but this is still evident in some sectors. The whole phenomena behind The Secret is based on just this fact. The application Scientology sees "miracles" in this light daily. Occasional successes in faith healing are due to this.

The person now being examined as having large bulges at the two parts of her brain will be found, if one looks there, to have a mind that is dictating the super memory, before the memory-associated sections of the brain enlarged. A mind that commands from the reactive, sub-conscious recordings that contains a phrase such as "You will remember everything," or "I keep every detail in my mind," will manifest this kind of exceptional memory phenomena.

Magnification of the structure, as of those sections of the brain in question, is clearly documented by Dianetics and detailed in Book Two, Chapter Five of Dianetics: Modern Science of Mental Health. The body deforms in accordance with the command of the mind. It also can be reversed using the known techniques that are scientifically proven to do so.

Neurology may have importance in pathology but only as symptomatic in the field of the mind. The exception would be where there has been brain damage caused by electroshock therapy and the like.

It is time to set record straight, the mind rules.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Anti-psychiatry is Favoring Life

By Robert L. Gisel

Let's face the facts, this site is wholeheartedly anti-psychiatry. That is because we favor life and psychiatry kills.

Knowing the facts and statistics, who would back a group of frauds whose "therapies" are supported by no scientific proofs or clinical tests. That is the documented case of the electroshock, trans-orbital leucotomy, pre-frontal lobotomy, insulin shock and narcotic psychotropic drugs that goes on today. These pain-and-unconsciousness-inflicting tortures are being fronted as good for people. Would you like to have some of this treatment?

Today "We gave him the treatment" could mean the mob broke up his body real good, or that he got a good dose of ill-intended psychiatric "care". Both are equally criminal.

Even their "talk-therapies" are pain-and-unconsciousness inducing. The "free association" runs down ones ability to have and to reach and pulls in past incidents of pain and unconsciousness. This is random and leaves the incidents in full, flaming dramatization, with a nasty record of provoking suicides. Then that is justified by their saying, "He came to us too late." Better never than late with these scammers.

Scores of psychiatric institutions have been closed down permanently due to their grossly criminal mistreatment of patients. Hundred of psychiatrists have now been jailed for their malfeasance, murders and sexual abuse of patients. Aren't you glad you aren't one of their patients?

I trust you are not, anyway, but if you have been so unfortunate as to have landed in the hands of the psyches, go now, get as far away from them as you can. And go see your attorney, as you may well have the grounds for civil and criminal suit against this bogus profession.

Presently Google Adsense and I are having a toe-to-toe regarding the automated placement of ads on this site, which has been showing up with ads for psychiatry, while this blog is openly proclaimed anti-psychiatry. I'll give them 48 hours to fix it and if not then I will no longer subscribe to Adsense on this site as I'm sure you will understand.

It is for that reason I am posting this today to make a loud and clear disclaimer, we will not advertise for psychiatric treatment, we are anti-psychiatry.

Check out this more detailed description of psychiatric practices.

A pan-determined support of Obama means to steel him against being duped by false marketing. See these earlier posts:

To Obama, Let's Salvage Education

A too-candid Letter to Obama

Your donations of any size help get the word out.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

To Obama, Let's Salvage Education

Dear President Obama,

First of all, congratulations. May We The People lend you the support to give you the strength and courage to better mankind from here on out.

The American Revolution was born out of fiery words from an impassioned peoples, I remind you, lest you react adversely to my own heartfelt advices.

Imagine a world of kids who read and show promise even before reaching school age, that excel and are versed for college well before college, that go on to give us innovative solutions for the greatest good for the greatest number and eliminate the gamete of false solutions resulting in gang warfare, sovereign warfare and financial chaos.

With our kids we need better education. However, the education that will give us real scholastic growth does not come from psychotropic drugging of the kids and other psychiatric failures. A real Study Technology in the 21st Century exists now that will realize that ideal scene written above.

Take the wasted $billions of funding for ineffective, even damaging psych programs and put this into workable study technology instead. Scholastic statistics will change from failure to success starting immediately.

The study technology that works is that used by Education Alive, Applied Scholastics and and Delphi schools, to mention several. These do achieve the ideal scene in education standards. Hope is restored for our future, for leadership capable of eliminating the huge social enigmas we face today.

This fantastically workable methodology is being used to repair education failures in many places around the globe, such as in South Africa, massively reversing declining scholastic scores that were a side effect of apartheid, a situation with parallels to similar past social issues of our own .

In a miraculous change, my own inability to tune the guitar was a direct result of misunderstood words, yet I had been playing the electric base professionally for years. My IQ score recovered from the full application of this technology out of an ailing 115 after high school and some college to a bright 136 little over a year later. This is a testament to the results, results that I can personally certify.

An essential change is needed from the bottom to the top. Knowledge is at the pinnacle of success, and this is made possible only if people can study and learn. Our brightest individuals deserve this the most, whereas all can benefit from use of revitalizing study, while at the same time the illiteracy underpinning gang violence can be eliminated.

As an aside of high importance, you need to know that the barriers to study, scientifically proven to be crashing the SAT scores nationally, have physiological reactions, apart from dullness and dampened IQ, that manifest in symptoms that psychiatry proclaims as "proof" of it's non-scientific DSM IV mental illness categories. Using those false labels as a "solution" errantly justifies the narcotic drugging of our kids, including the kids which have been implicated in all of the school shootings (yes, all). Equally, the rising graph of "meds" dispensed to students parallels the rising graph of school age suicides.

These are serious charges that no sane individual of good will can ignore. Meanwhile a powerful anecdote is to hand that will resolve more social ails over the years than you could imagine.

Please listen to and heed my words. In this short writing I do not have room to reiterate the extant documentation for my sweeping statements but I will provide the links for the confirmation below. On one hand is disruptive and destructive, often suicidal behavior. On the other hand is a calm bright people eager to learn and create good works to help others. Really, the choice is that definitive, take your pick.

Using this study technology peoples from 5 to 105 can master study and even more importantly recover education of past subjects seemingly failed and lost. Lincoln was a self-educated man who cleared his misunderstood words; Milosevik was psychiatric dupe and so was Hitler. Malcolm X phoenixed out of a drug addicted criminal into a brilliant voice of human rights for mankind by copying by hand and understanding every word listed in a dictionary.

It depends on whether you want the insanity of madmen in our future or the sanity of very bright peoples. Believe me, new worlds can be accomplished by cracking the back of study failures with a study technology having top percentile results. Please, implement this positive change, for the sake of all mankind.

You now have means to save our youth, salvage our education system and provide the people this miracle study technology. And for the love of life, throw out the psychiatric saboteurs.

Contact and

Sincerely yours,
Robert L. Gisel

John Travolta and others speak out for Applied Scholastics.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Elly Lilly Pays $1.42B Damages

bt Robert L. Gisel

Elly Lilly has been penalized damages of $1,420,000,000.

Eli Lilly has agreed to pay out the largest settlement in the Department of Justice history -- $1.4 billion dollars -- to settle criminal and civil investigations into the marketing of its antipsychotic drug Zyprexa and has agreed to plead guilty to a federal misdemeanor.

It's only fitting this would be the case, considering how damaging these drugs are. One wonders how many others of the 76 psychotropoic psychiatric drugs now on the market are also manufacturered by Elly Lilly.

Watch this piece from FOX National News correspondent Douglas Kennedy.