
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Alert From Healthy Solutions Foundation

HHS Sec Sebelius: Resign or Be Impeached!

When an Agency Fails
The Responsible Officer Should Resign or Be Removed.

The US Department of Health and Human Services
is a Failed Department
Some of its Agencies, like the FDA and the CDC
Oversee a Failed Health System.

Tell Decision Makers: Kathleen Sebelius,
Secretary of HHS, Should Resign or Be Impeached!

The Secretary of HHS, Kathleen Sebelius, runs a failed federal bureacracy that is about to compound the harm it does by taking over all healthcare. Congress's answer to Dr. Ron Paul's criticism of "power abusers..." is to give the agencies under Sec. Sebelius more power to abuse!

And the HHS Secretary likes that just fine. In fact, she thinks we should all just line-up, shut-up and take our shots!

Here is what she told Readers Digest earlier this year (2010):

“There are groups out there that insist that vaccines are responsible for a variety of problems, despite all scientific evidence to the contrary. We (the office of Secretary of Health and Human Services) have reached out to media outlets to try to get them not to give the views of these people equal weight in their reporting.”

Reading between-the-lines, this is a call for blatant censorship. The Secretary is telling us that the parents of children who have been harmed by vaccination don't count. The injured children, in their tens of thousands, don't count. Human needs and rights don't count.

The Secretary knows that lawfully prescribed drugs, that have been approved by her FDA, kill 150,000 Americans yearly. She knows that vaccines will harm a certain percentage of children who receive them. She knows that the FDA recalls or limits half the drugs it has already approved.. what a dismal record of getting it wrong!

She wants to pretend that "science" supports her professed beliefs in service of Big Pharma. However, there is NO "significant scientific agreement" among independent researchers about the "benefits" or the risks of vaccination. Yet under Sebelius, the Federal Government, for example, bought $6.4 billion worth of "Swine Flu" H1N1 vaccines; then approved those vaccines (FDA); then recommended them (CDC) and then distributed them (HHS). All for a non-pandemic. Another HHS failure.

Therefore, we call upon all decision makers join in the Citizens' Petition that Secretary Sebelius Either Resign or Be Impeached!

Dear Decision Maker:

I am writing to you at the suggestion of the Natural Solutions Foundation, www.HealthFreedomUSA., org to implore you to use your abilities of pursuance and legal capacity to remove Secretary Sebelius of the Health and Human Services Department, which inlcudes the FDA, CDC (and its Advisory Committee on Imunnization Practices).

The Food and Drug Administration is charged with ensuring that our food, our drugs and our cosmetics are safe and wholesome. Instead, it has a tragic history of bowing to the desires of the regulated industries to the detriment, often the lethal detriment, of consumers, of you, of me and of our children.

Secretary Sebelius has exceeded even the dismal and dangerous record of her predecessors by requesting the press to suppress vaccine dissenters, those who shed light on their real and very serious dangers and those who debate their use in children and adults.

Although the FDA is known to act illegally in the suppression of information about the health benefits of supplements, to act improperly and illegally against devices based in energy manipulation and to use its Marshall to illegally harass and attack legitimate manufacturers and users of nutrients and supplements, although it approves for use scientifically untested, questionable and dangerous genetically modified foods despite strong scientific evidence of their dangers, allows dangerous chemicals in our food supply and deploys untested vaccines despite the laws requiring both safety and efficacy testing, this agency is given literal life and death power over us.

The drugs that it approves are listed by the American Medical Association as one of the leading causes of death in the United States WHEN USED PROPERLY, yet this agency continues its dangerous policies.

The latest victim, if Secretary Sebelius has her way, is the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. To support an industry without any scientific substantiation, Secretary Sebelius has requested the media to support her in a tyrannical suppression of free speech.

Her disregard for our health is not only matched, but exceeded by her disregard for our Constitution, which she is sworn to uphold and defend.

I call upon you to use your ability to influence the opinions of others and to use every legal means available to you, as an official in a high position of trust, to see to it that Secretary Sebelius is removed from her position and that the FDA is swept clean of the control of the regulated industries, making it a fit vehicle for the protection of food, drugs and cosmetics for the American people.

Thank you for your vigorous action. I will be watching to see how I can further support your efforts to remove Secretary Sebelius from her office.
Yours in health and freedom,

Rep. Xavier Becerra

District: FH-CA31
Phone:(202) 225-6235
Fax:(202) 225-2202

Sen. Dianne Feinstein

Phone:(202) 224-3841
Fax:(202) 228-3954

Sen. Barbara Boxer

Phone:(202) 224-3553
Fax:(202) 224-0454

President Barack Obama

Phone:(202) 456-1111
Fax:(202) 456-2461

Hon. Kevin de León

Phone:(916) 319-2045
Fax:(916) 319-2145

Sen. Curren Price

Phone:(916) 651-4026
Fax:(916) 445-8899

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Phone:(916) 445-2841
Fax:(916) 558-3160

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